::p_load(sf, tmap, tidyverse, sfdep) pacman
In-class Exercise 6: Spatial Weights and Applications using sfdep
1 Getting Started
2 Installing and loading R packages
3 Importing the data
3.1 Geospatial data
<- st_read(dsn="data/geospatial",
hunan layer="Hunan") %>% st_transform(crs=4480)
Reading layer `Hunan' from data source
using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 88 features and 7 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 108.7831 ymin: 24.6342 xmax: 114.2544 ymax: 30.12812
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
3.2 Aspatial data
<- read_csv("data/aspatial/Hunan_2012.csv") pop2012
head( list(pop2012), n=10)
# A tibble: 88 × 29
County City avg_w…¹ depos…² FAI Gov_Rev Gov_Exp GDP GDPPC GIO
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Anhua Yiyang 30544 10967 6832. 457. 2703 13225 14567 9277.
2 Anren Chenzhou 28058 4599. 6386. 221. 1455. 4941. 12761 4189.
3 Anxiang Changde 31935 5517. 3541 244. 1780. 12482 23667 5109.
4 Baojing Hunan W… 30843 2250 1005. 193. 1379. 4088. 14563 3624.
5 Chaling Zhuzhou 31251 8241. 6508. 620. 1947 11585 20078 9158.
6 Changning Hengyang 28518 10860 7920 770. 2632. 19886 24418 37392
7 Changsha Changsha 54540 24332 33624 5350 7886. 88009 88656 51361
8 Chengbu Shaoyang 28597 2581. 1922. 161. 1192. 2570. 10132 1681.
9 Chenxi Huaihua 33580 4990 5818. 460. 1724. 7755. 17026 6644.
10 Cili Zhangji… 33099 8117. 4498. 500. 2306. 11378 18714 5843.
# … with 78 more rows, 19 more variables: Loan <dbl>, NIPCR <dbl>, Bed <dbl>,
# Emp <dbl>, EmpR <dbl>, EmpRT <dbl>, Pri_Stu <dbl>, Sec_Stu <dbl>,
# Household <dbl>, Household_R <dbl>, NOIP <dbl>, Pop_R <dbl>, RSCG <dbl>,
# Pop_T <dbl>, Agri <dbl>, Service <dbl>, Disp_Inc <dbl>, RORP <dbl>,
# ROREmp <dbl>, and abbreviated variable names ¹avg_wage, ²deposite
4 Combining spatial and aspatial data
Both datasets have different columns, hence if we want to retain the geometry column from the geospatial data, left input file should be the one with geometry column; the right input file should be the aspatial data.
<- left_join(hunan, pop2012)%>%
hunan_join select(1:4, 7, 15)
5 Choropleth map of Hunan, GDP per capita
tm_shape(hunan_join) +
style= "quantile",
palette = "Blues",
title= "GDP per capita") +
tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of GDP per captia by district, Hunan province",
main.title.position= "center",
main.title.size = 1.2,
tm_compass(type='8star', size =2) +
6 Contiguity neighbours method
Read the st-contiguity()
method documentation <ahref=“https://sfdep.josiahparry.com/reference/st_contiguity.html”> here.
6.1 Queen method
<- hunan_join %>% mutate(nb= st_contiguity(geometry), .before=1) cn_queen
- the generated output cn_queen ’s nb column shows the nearest neighbours that are referenced by the index
- ie: the first data point Anxiang county has the following nearest neighbours: c(2,3,57,85) which refers to Hanshou, Jinshi, Li, Nan and Taoyuan.
6.2 Rook method
<- hunan_join %>% mutate(nb= st_contiguity(geometry), queen=FALSE, .before=1) cn_rook
7 Contiguity weight matrix
7.1 Queen method
<- hunan_join %>%
wm_q mutate(nb= st_contiguity(geometry),
wt = st_weights(nb),
- this code chunk allow the running of nearest neighbour using queen method and calculation of the weights
- generated output will include both the nearest neighbours and weights in the same dataframe
7.2 Rook method
<- hunan_join %>%
wm_r mutate(nb= st_contiguity(geometry),
queen= FALSE,
wt = st_weights(nb),